An Update – 2 years on

So 2 years have passed since my last post, admittedly I’d forgotten this blog even existed which is why I have only just gotten round to updateing. Maybe I’ll take it up again now, use it as a little thought diary.

Update time:

I just had my 21st birthday in November, I’m now on year 2 of the level 3 course and it is so much more fufilling than level 2.

I think I’ve changed a lot in the past few years, reading over my old posts I seemed so Anxious and it seemed like I was always trying too hard to fit in. I’m a lot more confident now, I never did make friends with anyone on level 2, and I think I put way too much energy into worrying about it back then. Once I moved into level 3 there were people I clicked with pretty quickly and as time has gone on I’ve become friends with a few others as well, I even have casual convistaions with some of the people who were on the level 2 course, people that I didn’t speak to for the entire year, but I seem to have a lot in common with. I’m still the eldest in the class, most of the others are 3-4 years younger than me, but it doesn’t usually seem that way.

2 of the friends I’ve made also have high functioning ASD, so we talk about it sometimes and it’s good to be around people who get it.

I’ve started learning both French and Japanese, they help keep me ocuppied and give me something to focus on when I feel figity and anxious and I’ve made some good online friends whilst learning.

Anyway that’s if for now, this was just a quick update, but I may continue posting regularly. If you have any questions leave a comment, it’s always interesting to know if people actully read things I post.
